Monday, January 26, 2009

Etiquette and the First Family...

Etiquette and the First family go hand-in-hand. President Obama reminds me of my father growing up. Granted, he did not have the title, but at Social Graces School of Etiquette we learn that money and sophistication are two separate entities.

My grandparents, were one of the first African American families, to own property on Cape Cod, only to be burned down by their not so tolerant neighbor shortly there-after. Though disheartened, this did not, discourage them in the least. Instead, it encouraged them, to dig deeper, and work even harder.

Their hard work eventually led to the purchase of a larger home in this same exclusive area only two blocks away. During this time, African Americans, were not shown homes in this area, let alone allowed to live there. The only way a deal like this would go through, is if you had a front man to close the deal.

The purchase of my grandparents homes, were made possible by the employers of my grandparents. The highly respected and prominent couple, THE Godfather and Godmother of social grace, Robert F. and Ethel Skakel Kennedy.

Not only did the Kennedy’s help my grandparents purchase their homes, but shared the secret, behind the Kennedy Family success . This secret , was SOCIAL GRACES. My grandparents saw first hand, what the gift of proper etiquette, could do for a man.
As my grandparents began to instill the same decorum in my father, they realized that what they had learned, wasn’t a tangible gift, it was, THE Gift of a Lifetime!
Times were tough for African Americans during this time in history, but the secret, took them wherever they wanted to go. They traveled the world, and experienced many different cultures first hand.

When I came along, my parents were determined , to pass on the same character traits , that were passed down to them. They groomed me, from the very same fabric that their parents, bestowed upon them. Social Graces, has been imbedded, into every fiber of my upbringing, and my gift to you, is to pass it on!
My family heritage is where the vision of my company began. The decline in diplomacy is why I do what I do. By reintroducing civility back into the equation life, I am honoring, the great people of my past.

When confronted with the question… “What exactly is etiquette” my response is always the same ….RESPECT! Respect for you, respect for me, and RESPECT…for the world around us.
Etiquette is not only, about knowing how to say hello in several foreign languages. Or simply knowing which fork to use. It IS how you act and respond, with respect and diplomacy, in the country you are visiting . It IS the ability to make others feel at ease and comfortable in your presence. It IS the ability to 'fit in' to any situation an individual may find themselves in. As I stated before… the results of proper etiquette, will take YOU, where ever, you want to go.

Social Graces A Lost Art...or...The Gift of a Lifetime!
Jolene SavageFounder/CEO

1 comment:

Pearl Maple said...

That is a lovely story,
Stumbled into your blog while reseraching a project and really enjoyed your posts.
Thank you for reminding everyone that etiquette is all about respect and very much an important part of our social fabric.