Thursday, January 15, 2009

Gentleman Etiquette

The Basics of Chivalry

Furthermore,gentlemen (in training) should follow these additional rules when in the presence of a lady.

Always open doors This is perhaps the most basic rule of male etiquette out there. It is also one of the easiest to follow so you have no reason to forget it. Whether she is about to enter your car, restaurant, Theater, or anyplace with a door, you should always hold it open. If there are many doors, then hold them open one after the other.

Put on her coat Always help a lady put on her coat. This is a simple but powerful action.

Help with her seat If an unaccompanied lady is sitting next to you, it is important that you help her be seated by pulling her chair out for her and gently pushing it back into place.

Give up your seat If a pregnant lady, mother with small children, LADY or elderly person arrives and there are no available seats, you should stand up and offer yours.

Stand at attention Always stand when a lady enters or exits the room. This rule has been somewhat relaxed, so you can stand upon entrance but remain seated upon exit. Nonetheless, if you can do both, you should.

Give her your arm When escorting a lady (that you know) to and from social events, you should offer her your left arm. This is a little more intimate, but serves well when walking on uneven ground, near a street (gentleman take the side closest to the street) -- especially if she's wearing high heels.

Ask if she needs anything Gentleman When at social events, make sure to ask the lady if you can get anything, a drink, something to eat, a napkin, depending on the event. Show her that you care about her comfort and needs.
These are the rules of etiquette you should observe in everyday life. Be a leader by elevating yourself above the norm and display the mannerisms of a true gentleman. The world will appreciate such a rarity and your career will most definitely benefit from your good manners and savoir-fa ire.

Gentleman Etiquette - 7 and up

Always be polite Even if you don't like someone, there is no need to lower yourself to their level. Be polite and courteous; show that you're the better man.

Do not curse Swearing is unacceptable. It shows that you don't have the vocabulary to express your thoughts appropriately. Furthermore, it is always very crude and impolite to be vulgar.

Do not speak loudly
It implies that you can't reason with people to get your point across. It also draws negative attention.

Do not lose your temper When you lose your temper, you are showing everyone that you can't control your emotions. If you can't even control yourself. Keep your cool at all times (it won't be easy but it is worth the effort) and people will take positive note of your level head.

Do not stare Your eyes should always remain from the chin up. ALWAYS!!!

Do not interrupt Interrupting others is a sign of poor etiquette and a lack of social skills.

Do not spit Spitting is very crude. Do not spit in public!

Respect your elders You should respect others as you would like them to respect you. Especially your elders, it seems that today, young men think being brash is cool. Well, it’s not. Just think of how you’d like others to treat your grandparents and act accordingly.

Tact and Diplomacy -Do not laugh at others' mistakes This is perhaps one of the most uncouth things one can do. When you mess up, the last thing you want is for someone to bring it to your attention. So Don’t ridicule others.

Hats Off!!! This rule seems to have gone by the way side. You should always remove your head wear upon entering a building. Furthermore, never keep your hat on while at the dinner table or during the National Anthem, It reflects very poor etiquette.

Wait to be seated When sitting down for a meal, you should wait until all the guests are properly seated. And remember never begin eating until everyone has been seated and dining at the same time.


Social Graces School of Etiquette
~Learn the Skill of Self-Confidence~
Polite young people have an edge that will help them succeed throughout life.
When you teach them manners, you give them the self-confidence to handle any social situation. Good manners are fundamental to a good life. So, we give the tools that will enable young people to build useful and satisfying lives, and we teach them etiquette and polite manners to make their futures brighter and better for themselves and others around them.
Jolene A. Savage ~ FounderPhone 785-478-3364 Fax 785-271-6359Email: Web:

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